We were pleased to be joined by many in the industry for the webinar as we talked about the different aspects of integrating outboards at high levels, covering engine placement, structural design, motor well development and other facets. Plenty of observations came up from the minds assembled; such as “geysering” – when water sprays upwards excessively between engines, so we discussed techniques to work with designers and boat builders to avoid this phenomenon.
The webinar also looked at hull form, and discussed the sort of hull features that create a good base for a lot of outboards. We’ve had lots of positive follow-up since the webinar, requesting the information as well as inquiries on whether or not the event will be repeated for those who could not attend initially. If you would like to participate in a repeat of DLBA’s Outboard Propulsion Webinar, please reach out to us at info @dlba-inc.com.