1. Blount D.L. and Fox D.L. “Small Craft Power Prediction” Marine Technology, Vol 13, No. 1, Jan 1976.
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5. Hecker, R.C., Shields, C., and McDonald, N. “Experimental Performance of a Controllable-Pitch Supercavitating Propeller,” NSRDC Report 1636, Aug. 1967.
6. Blount D.L. and Carinder, J.E. “Propeller Characteristic Format for Use with High Speed Craft,” NAVESECNORDIV Report 6660-18 July, 1975.
7. Blount, D.L. and Hankley, D.W., “Full-Scale Trials and Analyses of High-Performance Planing Craft Data” Trans. SNAME, Vol. 84, 1976
8. Blount, D.L., Stuntz, G.R., Jr., Gregory D.L. and Frome, M.J. “Correlation of Full-Scale Trials and Model Tests for a Small Planing Boat,” Trans. RINA, 1968